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Menstrual Disorders

Menstrual Disorders


With each menstrual cycle, the endometrium (uterine lining) prepares itself to nourish a fetus. If fertilization doesn’t occur, the body sheds the endometrium during the monthly (on average) cycle. In some cases, irregularity can occur in this cycle

Types of Menstrual Disorders

  1. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  2. Amenorrhea
  3. Dysmenorrhea
  4. Menorrhagia

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)


PMS is any unpleasant or uncomfortable symptom during cycle that may temporarily disturb normal functioning. These symptoms may last from a few hours to many days, and the types and intensity of symptoms can vary in individuals.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a much more severe form of PMS which affects approximately 3 - 8 % of women of reproductive age. PMDD requires treatment by a physician.

PMS Symptoms

Although each individual may experience symptoms differently, the most common symptoms of PMS can include any of the following :

  • Psychological symptoms (depression, anxiety, irritability)
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms (bloating)
  • Fluid retention (swelling of fingers, ankles and feet)
  • Skin problems (acne)
  • Headache
  • Vertigo
  • Fainting
  • Muscle spasms
  • Heart palpitations
  • Allergies
  • Infections
  • Vision problems
  • Eye infections
  • Decreased coordination
  • Diminished/ increased libido (sex drive)
  • Changes in appetite
  • Hot flashes
  • pain in breast

Simple modifications in lifestyle can help eliminate or reduce the severity of symptoms, including:

  • Exercising 3 to 5 times each week
  • Eating a well-balanced diet that includes whole grains, vegetables and fruit, and a decreasing salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake
  • Getting adequate sleep and rest

Homoeopathic Medicine For Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

  1. Bovista

    Premenstrual problems with puffiness in the extremities, fluid retention, and a bloated feeling often indicate a need for this remedy. The woman may feel very awkward and clumsy, and may constantly be dropping things because of swollen-feeling hands. Diarrhea occurring around the time of the menstrual period strongly indicates this remedy.

  2. Calcarea carbonica

    PMS with fatigue, anxiety, and a feeling of being overwhelmed suggest a need for this remedy. The woman may have problems with water-retention and weight gain, tender breasts, digestive upsets, and headaches. Periods often come too early and last too long, sometimes with a flow of bright red blood. A general feeling of chilliness, with clammy hands and feet, and cravings for sweets and eggs are other indications for Calcarea.

  3. Lachesis

    Women who need this remedy are usually intense, with a tremendous need for an outlet, both physically and mentally. Symptoms of PMS include congestion, headaches, flushing, surges of heat, and an intense outspoken irritability—often with strong feelings of suspicion or jealousy. When the flow arrives, it may be heavy, but brings relief of tension. Intolerance of restrictive clothing around the waist or neck is another indication for Lachesis.

  4. Lycopodium

    PMS with a craving for sweets and a ravenous appetite (sometimes a bulimic tendency) suggests a need for this remedy. Digestive upsets with abdominal bloating and flatulence are often seen, with the person feeling worst in the late afternoon and evening. Menstrual periods may be delayed, followed by a heavy flow that goes on for extra days. A woman who needs this remedy often wears a worried look and lacks self-confidence—although she may be irritable and bossy to pets and family members. A desire to be alone, but with someone in the other room, is another indication for Lycopodium.

  5. Natrum muriaticum

    A person who needs this remedy usually seems reserved to others, but is deeply emotional inside. She may feel extremely sad and lonely, but gets affronted or angry if others try to console her or sympathize. Depression, anger over minor things, and a need to be alone to cry are often seen when Natrum mur is needed. Menstrual problems can be accompanied by migraines, or a backache that feels better from lying on something hard or pushing a solid object against the painful place. A craving for salt, strong thirst, and a tendency to feel worse from being in the sun are other indications for this remedy.

  6. Pulsatilla

    This remedy can be helpful during many conditions involving hormonal changes and is often helpful to girls who have recently started having periods. PMS with irritability, moodiness, and weepiness is typical. Delay or suppression of the menstrual flow can be accompanied by queasy feelings, nausea, and faintness. Being too warm or in a stuffy room makes things worse, and fresh air can bring relief. The timing, amount, and nature of the menstrual flow are changeable—as are the woman's moods—when Pulsatilla is the remedy. The woman usually is emotional and needy, wanting a lot of attention and comforting.

  7. Sepia

    This remedy relieves mood swings from PMS associated with irritability and poor venous circulation.

  8. Veratrum album

    Menstrual periods with very heavy flow and cramping, with a feeling of exhaustion and icy coldness suggest a need for this remedy. Vomiting and diarrhea are often seen. Periods may start too early and go on too long. The woman feels worse at night, from exercise, and from drinking things that are warm. Cold drinks, small meals, and wrapping up in warm clothes or covers may help to bring improvement.

  9. Caulophyllum

    This remedy is often helpful to women with a history of irregular periods, difficulty becoming pregnant, or slow childbirth due to weak muscle tone of the uterus. Symptoms include discomfort during periods and a heavy flow of blood or other discharge. Drawing pains may be felt in the pelvic region, thighs, and legs. Stiffness or arthritis, especially in the finger-joints, often is seen when this remedy is needed.

  10. Chamomilla

    A woman likely to respond to this remedy is angry, irritable, and hypersensitive to pain. Cramping may come on, or be intensified, because of emotional upset. Flow can be very heavy, and the blood may look dark or clotted. Problems are often worse at night. Heating pads or exposure to wind may aggravate the symptoms, and motion (such as rocking or brisk walking) may help to reduce the tension and discomfort.

  11. Cimicifuga racemosa

    This relieves cramps associated with PMS and aggravated by cold and humidity.

  12. Kreosotum

    Headache, nausea, and a heavy flow that makes the genitals and surrounding skin feel irritated and swollen are indications for this remedy. Kreosotum is often indicated for women with PMS who feel irritable and uncomfortable, and have a strong dislike of sexual activity.

  13. Lilium tigrinum

    This remedy may be helpful if a woman is inclined toward rage during PMS, makes other people "walk on eggs," and is extremely sensitive and irritable. Pressure in the rectum and in the pelvic region, with a sensation that the uterus is pushing out, may make her feel a frequent need to sit or cross her legs. Emotions and excitement aggravate the symptoms, and fresh air will often bring relief.

  14. Nux vomica

    When a woman with PMS is extremely impatient, pushy, and intolerant, this remedy may be of use. Uncomfortable, irregular menstrual periods can be experienced, often with a nagging urge to move the bowels before the flow begins. Constipation is common, and constricting pains may extend to the rectum or tailbone region. Anger, mental strain, physical exertion, and overindulgence in coffee, alcohol, or food can aggravate the problems. The woman often feels chilly and improves from warmth and rest.



Amenorrhea is characterized by absent menstrual periods for more than three monthly menstrual cycles.There are two types of amenorrhea.

Types of Amenorrhea

  1. Primary Amenorrhea:Menstruation does not begin at puberty.
  2. Secondary Amenorrhea: Normal and regular menstrual periods that become increasingly abnormal and irregular or absent. This may be due to a physical cause typically of later onset.


Amenorrhea can occur for a number of reasons as part of the normal course of life.

Natural amenorrhea - 

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding 
  • Menopause

It may occur as a result of medications or a medical problem including :

  • Ovulation abnormality
  • Birth defect, anatomical abnormality or other medical condition
  • Eating disorder
  • Obesity
  • Excessive or strenuous exercise
  • Thyroid disorder

If at least three consecutive menstrual periods are missed or if you've never had a menstrual period and are 16 years or older, it is important to see a healthcare professional. As with any condition, early diagnosis and treatment is very important.


The main sign of amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual periods. 

Depending on the cause of amenorrhea, might experience other signs or symptoms along with the absence of periods, such as :

  • Milky nipple discharge
  • Hair loss
  • Headache
  • Vision changes
  • Excess facial hair
  • Pelvic pain
  • Acne

Homoeopathic Medication For Amenorrhea

  1. Pulsatilla – Top Grade Medicine for Missed Periods

    It is a very effective medicine for bringing periods in cases of amenorrhea. It is well indicated in females who miss their periods often. They have a tendency to get periods always late. The menstrual flow is also scanty. The bleeding may be black, clotted or thin and watery. Due to suppressed periods headache can be there. In most cases needing it the periods are also painful even since puberty. With pain, chilliness, nausea and vomiting is also present. Females needing it may also complain of milky discharge from nipples along with amenorrhea. Acne from menstrual irregularities is another complaint that can accompany above symptoms. It is a very effective medicine to correct the hormonal imbalance and regularise the periods.

  2. Sepia – Leading Medicine for Absent Menses

    This medicine is also among the major medicines for treating cases of amenorrhea. Like Pulsatilla, it also corrects the hormonal imbalance to bring effective cures. Females who require it complain of missed periods for many months altogether. Sometimes they only get menses around three times a year. Their periods are usually scanty in the past. Before periods they get violent pain in the abdomen. Pimples also appear in them before periods. Sadness before menses is another complaint they get. Violent bearing down pain in pelvis is a characteristic symptom that frequently attends above symptoms. It is also indicated when a female has vaginal discharge in place of menses. Complaints of facial hair in females can also be present with these symptoms.

  3. Natrum Mur – For Amenorrhea and Hair Loss

    Natrum Mur is a very beneficial medicine for cases of amenorrhea and hair loss. In cases needing it the menses are suppressed. They appear late and when they appear are quite profuse. Menstrual flow is thin, watery, pale. In these cases headache before and after menses can be there. With these prominent hair loss is present. Apart from above this medicine also helps cases where menses are suppressed from grief. 

  4. Phosphorus – For Amenorrhea with Milky Discharge from Nipples

    Phosphorus is a well indicated medicine for cases where periods are absent with milky discharge from nipples. Females needing it get periods very late but very profuse. They may also last for too long a duration. The menstrual bleeding is bright red. During periods they feel pain in the ovaries and also have severe backache. After periods they feel great weakness and also get smarting, burning vaginal discharges.

  5. Senecio Aureus – For Amenorrhea in Young Girls

     It is a prominent medicine for treating amenorrhea in young girls. They feel as if menses would appear but fail. They usually have back pain or pain in shoulders along with suppressed periods.

  6. Graphites – For Females having Tendency of Late and Scanty Menses 

    This medicine is indicated when periods appear late and are scanty. It is attended with violent pain. Menstrual blood in such cases is thick and dark, sometimes blackish. Sometimes gushing vaginal discharges can be present. When menses are suppressed, heaviness in arms and legs may be felt.

  7. Conium – For Amenorrhea with Tendency of Late and Short Periods

    This medicine is helpful for females in whom periods are suppressed and who generally have a tendency of late periods and also that last for a short time. Periods are also scanty in them and sometimes blood is clotted also. Further they may have pain and swelling in the breast during periods. Another complaint that they explain is small red pimples on the body during periods. After periods they have itching in vagina.

  8. Oleum Jec – For Amenorrhea and Facial Hair (Hirsutism)

    Oleum Jac is a very effective medicine to bring on the menses which are suppressed. It is also known to improve the menstrual blood flow. Additionally it works wonders in treating complaints of facial hair in women. Females who need it may also have soreness in ovaries. Also they may have complaints of painful periods.

  9. Ignatia – For Suppressed Menses from Grief

    This medicine is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara also called St. Ignatius Bean that belongs to the family loganiaceae. It is a valuable medicine for cases where menses are suppressed from grief. In addition females requiring it are sad, depressed with frequent weeping spells. In such cases it helps to bring the menstrual flow which is suppressed. 

  10. Joanesia Asoca – For Suppressed and Scanty Menses

    It is prepared from bark of an Indian tree Ashoka that belongs to the family caesalpinioideae. It is one of the medicines that is used since ancient times for treating menstrual troubles, amenorrhea and scanty periods. In homeopathy its use is considered for treating suppressed menses and irregular menses and scanty menses. Females who need it also suffer from headaches from suppressed menses. In case of scanty flow it is used when there is pain in lower abdomen, pain in head, back and thighs.



Dysmenorrhea is characterized by severe and frequent menstrual cramps and pain associated with menstruation. 


The cause of dysmenorrhea is dependent on if the condition is primary or secondary.

  1. Primary dysmenorrheal: women experience abnormal uterine contractions resulting from a chemical imbalance in the body.
  2. Secondary dysmenorrheal: is caused by other medical conditions, most often endometriosis. 

Other possible causes may include: 

  • pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • uterine fibroids
  • abnormal pregnancy (i.e., miscarriage, ectopic)
  • infection, tumors, or polyps in the pelvic cavity

Any woman can develop dysmenorrhea, but those who are at increased risk include :

  • Smokers
  • Those who consume excessive alcohol during their period
  • Women who are overweight
  • Women who started menstruating before the age of 11

Dysmenorrhea Symptoms

The most common symptoms may include:

  • Cramping or pain in the lower abdomen
  • Low back pain or pain radiating down the legs
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Fainting
  • Headaches

Homoeopathic medicine for Dysmenorrhea

Delayed or suppressed menstrual flow accompanied by nausea or faintness suggests the use of this remedy. Getting too warm or being in a stuffy room make things worse. Cramping pain with a bearing-down feeling, either with scanty flow or thick, dark, clotted discharge, can also occur—symptoms that are changeable often point to Pulsatilla. The woman's moods are changeable as well, and a desire for attention and sympathy, along with a sensitive (even tearful) emotional state are typical. This remedy is indicated during many conditions involving hormonal changes and is often helpful to girls who have recently started having periods.

Indications for this remedy include painful, late, or suppressed menstruation, sometimes with a feeling that the pelvic floor is weak or as if the uterus is sagging. The woman may feel irritable, dragged out, and sad—losing interest temporarily in marital and family interactions, wanting to be left alone. Dampness, perspiring, and doing housework may aggravate the symptoms. Warmth and exercise, especially dancing, often brighten the woman's outlook and restore some energy.

Menstrual periods with a very heavy flow and cramping, along with feeling of exhaustion, chilliness, and even vomiting and diarrhea, are indications for this remedy. The periods may start too early and go on too long. Discomfort is often worse at night and also in wet, cold weather. Warm drinks, exercise, or moving the bowels may make things worse. Small meals, cold drinks, and wrapping up in warm clothes or covers will tend to bring relief.

  1. Belladonna

    Symptoms that are very intense and come and go suddenly, accompanied by a feeling of heat, often indicate a need for this remedy. The menstrual flow is typically bright red, profuse, and may have begun too early. Pain and cramping are worse from jarring and from touch, yet applying steady pressure often brings relief. Walking or bending over can make things worse, and sitting may be the most tolerable position. A woman who needs this remedy may feel restless and flushed, with pulsing or pounding sensations, and eyes that are sensitive to light.

  2. Chamomilla

    This remedy is indicated when the person's mood and nerves are so sensitive that pains seem almost unbearable. Anger and irritability may be extreme (or pain and cramping may come on after the woman has been angry). The menstrual flow can be heavy, and the blood may look dark or clotted. Pain often extends from the pelvic area into the thighs, and may be worse at night. Heating pads or exposure to wind can aggravate the symptoms. Vigorous walking or moving around in other ways may help relieve the pain.

  3. Cimicifuga (also called Actaea Racemosa)

    Cramping and pain that get worse as the flow increases, back and neck pain with muscle tension, and sharp pains like shocks that shoot upward, down the thighs, or across the pelvis, are all indications for this remedy. The woman is likely to be nervous, enthusiastic, and talkative by nature, yet feel pessimistic and fearful when unwell.

  4. Cocculus

    This remedy is indicated when a woman has cramping or pressing pain in the pelvic or abdominal region, along with weakness or dizziness. She may be inclined toward headaches or nausea, and parts of her body can feel numb or hollow. Feeling worse from standing up or from any kind of exertion and feeling better from lying down and sleeping are typical. (Cocculus is often indicated when a person has not been sleeping well and then feels weak or ill.)

  5. Magnesia phosphorica

    Painful cramps and pain in the pelvic region that are relieved by pressure and warmth often respond to this remedy. Periods may start too early, often with a dark or stringy discharge, and pain is usually worse on the right side of the body. The woman is sensitive and inclined toward "nerve pain"—feeling worse from being cold and also worse at night.

  6. Bovista

    Women needing this remedy tend to have problems with puffiness and edema during times of menstrual stress, and can feel very awkward and clumsy. Pain may be felt in the pelvic region, often with soreness near the pubic bone. Menstrual flow increases at night (and may even be absent during the day). Diarrhea occurring at the time of the menstrual period is a strong indication for this remedy.

  7. Caulophyllum thalictroides

    This remedy relieves menstrual cramps occurring at the onset of periods, with scanty flow.

  8. Colocynthis

    This remedy relieves abdominal and menstrual cramps improved by bending over, strong pressure and heat.

  9. Ipecac

    This relieves heavy menstruation with many clots, associated with cramps and nausea.

  10. Lachesis

    Women who have intense discomfort and tension before the menstrual period begins and feel much better when the flow is established may benefit from this remedy. Symptoms include a bearing-down sensation in the pelvis, flushes of heat, headache, and an inability to tolerate the touch of clothing around the waist or neck. A person who needs this remedy may feel "like a pressure cooker": intense and passionate, needing an outlet both physically and emotionally.

  11. Lilium tigrinum

    Indications for this remedy include great premenstrual irritability (making other people "walk on eggs") and cramping pain with a bearing-down feeling during periods. The woman may feel as if her uterus is pushing out, and may need to sit a lot or cross her legs. She is likely to feel worse from strong emotions or excitement and be better from fresh air.

  12. Nux vomica

    This remedy may be indicated when a woman has irregular menstrual periods with constricting pains that can extend to the rectum or the area above the tailbone. The woman tends to be impatient, irritable, and easily offended. Chilliness and constipation are also common. Mental strain, anger, physical exertion, stimulants, strong foods, and alcohol are likely to make things worse. Warmth and rest often help.

  13. Pulsatilla
  14. Sabina

    This remedy relieves profuse and painful periods with red blood clots, and pain spreading to the root of the thighs.

  15. Sepia
  16. Veratrum album



Menorrhagia is the most common type of abnormal uterine bleeding and is characterized by heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding.In some cases, bleeding may be so severe that daily activities are disrupted.Other types of this condition, also called dysfunctional uterine bleeding, may include :

  1. Polymenorrhea: Too frequent menstruation.
  2. Oligomenorrhea: Infrequent or light menstrual cycles
  3. Metrorrhagia: Any irregular, non-menstrual bleeding as in bleeding which occurs between menstrual periods
  4. Postmenopausal bleeding: Any bleeding that occurs more than one year after the last normal menstrual period at menopause

Menorrhagia Causes

There are several possible causes of menorrhagia, including:

  • Hormonal imbalance 
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Abnormal pregnancy; i.e., miscarriage, ectopic (tubal pregnancy)
  • Infection, tumors or polyps in the pelvic cavity
  • Certain birth control devices; i.e., intrauterine devices (IUDs)
  • Bleeding or platelet disorders
  • High levels of prostaglandins (chemical substances used to control muscle contractions of the uterus)
  • High levels of endothelins (chemical substances used to dilate blood vessels)
  • Liver, kidney or thyroid disease

Menorrhagia Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of menorrhagia may include :

  • Soaking through one or more sanitary pads or tampons every hour for several consecutive hours
  • Needing to use double sanitary protection to control your menstrual flow
  • Needing to wake up to change sanitary protection during the night
  • Bleeding for longer than a week
  • Passing blood clots larger than a quarter
  • Restricting daily activities due to heavy menstrual flow
  • Symptoms of anemia, such as tiredness, fatigue or shortness of breath

Homoeopathic medicine for Menorrhagia

Menses too early and profuse; menstrual blood is almost black, comes in strings and with clots. It is an excellent remedy for neuralgic dysmenorrhoea; violent agonizing, grinding pain not ameliorated by anything; pain goes to thighs or radiate over whole body.

  1. Cimicifuga / Actea racemosa

    menses are profuse and too early, sometimes twice a month; blood is dark coagulated; there is bearing down and pressing pains in the uterine region; this pain traverses from hip to hip.

    Severe pains in lower extremities; backache after menstruation, with heavy pressing down sensation. Shooting and throbbing pains in head as a reflux of uterine bleeding; nausea and vomiting caused by pressure on the spine.

  2. Sabina

    patient is so much depresses that she cries when questioned; sensation as if some weight is laid on her head; almost all the symptoms are due to fear and she is worse during menstrual flow. The mental symptoms are intermingled with rheumatism. Mental symptoms are worse during menses.

  3. Belladonna

    Menses too early and profuse. Violent pressing down, as if everything would escape through the genitals. The discharge is bright red, with a sensation of heat. Sometimes it has bad door with lumps. Congestion to the head, throbbing headache and pain in the small of the back.

  4. Calcarea carb

    Menstruation too soon, too profuse and lasting too long. Vertigo when stooping, worse on rising or going upstairs. Feet feel as if they had cold and damp stockings. Preceding the flow, there may be swelling and sensitiveness of the breasts, headache, colic and shivering.

    During the flow, cutting in the abdomen, toothache, and bearing down. The means are dark colored or black and thick.

  5. China

    Menses too profuse with a flow of dark clots. Great distension of abdomen not relieved by eructations or passing of flatus. Frequent desire to urinate; pale urine. Ringing in ears and fainting spells.

  6. Erigeron

    It is a very good remedy for hemorrhages of all kinds, but like all homeopathic remedies, it will show effect if prescribed on totality. The hemorrhage of this remedy, immaterial from which orifice it may take place, is cauterized by the bright redness of the discharge.

    In cases of menorrhagia this bright red bleeding is associated with dysuria (painful urination) and irritation of the rectum.

  7. Ferrum met

    Iron is the main component of the human blood and this homeopathic remedy is best adapted to anaemic people. It is either a cachectic state, due to faulty nutrition and assimilation or simple deficiency of blood due to hemorrhages.

    Menses are too profuse and too long lasting and all through this time, face looks fiery red with ringing in ears. The copiousness of the discharge forbids all movement, as the least movement aggravates the flow. Patient is extremely debilitated.

  8. Ipecac

    The principal feature of Ipecac is its persistent nausea and vomiting but it is also a great anti hemorrhagic medicine. Hemorrhages are bright red, profuse and steady in flow. Menorrhagia is accompanied with nausea and characteristic pain from navel to uterus.

  9. Coccus Cacti

    Menses too early, profuse, black and thick. Flow only in the evening and at night. Large clots escape when passing urine.

  10. Cyclamen

    Menses are profuse, black and membranous. Menses comes early and give certain relief in her mental symptoms. Post partum haemorrahage with severe labour like pain. Irregularities in menses associated with migraine and blindness.

  11. Iodium

    Menorrhagia due to endocrine dysfunction ,especially of the thyroid gland; the synthesis of thyroxin is hampered in these patients; menstruation is irregular; uterine hemorrhage; menorrhagia with enlarged and indurated uterus.

    Iodum may be thought of when hemorrhage is due to pathological condition of uterus; there is acute catarrh of endometrium; great weakness during menses, wedge like pain in right ovarian region; hemorrhage occurring at every stool with cutting pain in the abdomen, pain in the loins and small of back.

    Patient shows signs of rapid metabolism. Loss of flesh with great appetite. Hot patient, better by cold; patient wants to move all the time as the symptoms are relieved when she is busy.

  12. Phosphorus

    Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) is an important cause of menorrhagia; polycystic ovarian disease may be seen developed if the patient has sycosis as predominant miasm; menses too early and scanty but last too long; stitching pains; women, burning and stitching pain in the region of uterus; ovaries are inflamed and painful at the time of menses; these pains are radiating down the inner side of the thighs; fibroids of the uterus are common; menorrhagia due to uterine polypi.

  13. Sabina

    It is a great anti hemorrhagic remedy; Sabina acts upon the mucous membrane of the uterus and also upon the serous membranes; pain flies from sacrum to pubis. hemorrhage is profuse at the time of menses; they are long lasting, partly fluid and partly clotted, offensive in nature; blood comes in gushes; intense colicky pains in abdomen at the time of menses.

    These pains are associated with bearing down or labor like pains; pain traverse from vagina to uterus; discharge of blood between periods with sexual excitement; inflammation of the tubes, ovaries and uterus; uterine fibroids are usually the cause of menorrhagia at the climacteric age; profuse leucorrhoea and the discharge is bloody.Patient is nervous sad and depressed. music makes her nervous; also music is intolerable for her.

  14. Secale cor

    Menses are too profuse and too long lasting with violent spasms. Discharge dark, liquid blood, increased by motion. All her symptoms are worse just before the menses. Suitable to thin women. Continuous oozing of watery blood until next period.

  15. Nux Vomica

    Menses too early and profuse; discharge of dark colored blood. The discharge after continuing for several days, stops and then returns. Cramp like pains in the abdomen, extending down to the thighs. She gets angry and violent without provocation. Habitual constipation, with frequent urging to stool.

  16. Millefolium

    Painless hemorrhage is the key symptom of millefolium to be prescribed. Menses early profuse and protracted.

  17. Thalaspi bursa

    Too copious and too frequent menses usually due to uterine fibroid. Bruised, sore feeling in the back with menses. Every alternate menses is copious.

  18. Trillium pendulum

    It has been used with great success in all kind of uterine hemorrhages -anti partum, post partum and climacteric. The characteristic of this hemorrhage is its association with faintness and dizziness. Bleeding aggravates with least motion.

  19. Ustilago maydis

    Menorrhagia at menopause; flabby condition of the uterus. Flow is accompanied with sharp pain across the lower abdomen and from hip to hip. In Ustilago the hemorrhage is passive; from retention of remains after miscarriage. The blood that keeps oozing for days and weeks become darkish and coagulated.

  20. Xanthoxylum

    Menses too early and profuse; menstrual blood is almost black, comes in strings and with clots. It is an excellent remedy for neuralgic dysmenorrhoea; violent agonizing, grinding pain not ameliorated by anything; pain goes to thighs or radiate over whole body.

Diagnosis Of Menstrual Disorder

  • Blood tests - To measure hormones and check for bleeding disorders 
  • Pap smear test - It is a method of cervical screening used to detect potentially precancerous and cancerous processes in the cervix or colon.
  • Ultrasound: An imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image of the pelvic organs.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A diagnostic procedure that uses a combination of large magnets, radio frequencies, and a computer to produce detailed images of the reproductive organs.
  • Laparoscopy: A minor surgical procedure in which a laparoscope, a thin tube with a lens and a light, is inserted into an incision in the abdominal wall. Using the laparoscope to see into the pelvic and abdomen area, the physician can often detect abnormal growths.
  • Hysteroscopy: A visual examination of the canal of the cervix and the interior of the uterus using a hysteroscope inserted through the vagina.
  • Biopsy (endometrial): Tissue samples are removed from the lining of the uterus with a needle or during surgery to determine if cancer or other abnormal cells are present.
  • Dilation and curettage (D&C): A common gynecological surgery that consists of widening the cervical canal with a dilator and scraping the uterine cavity with a curette – a spoon-shaped surgical tool used to remove tissue.