It's caused by an infestation by the human itch mite and may produce a rash very similar to other forms of eczema.
Scabies is a contagious skin condition caused by an infestation of the human itch mite, Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. These microscopic mites burrow into the upper layer of the skin, where they live and lay their eggs. The presence of the mites leads to intense itching and a rash, which is primarily due to the body's allergic reaction to the mites, their eggs, and their waste products.
Scabies signs and symptoms include:
The burrows or tracks typically appear in folds of skin. Though almost any part of the body may be involved, in adults and older children scabies is most often found :
In infants and young children, common sites of infestation usually include the :
To prevent re-infestation and to prevent the mites from spreading to other people, take these steps:
Use hot, soapy water to wash all clothing, towels and bedding used within three days before beginning treatment. Dry with high heat. Dry-clean items you can't wash at home.
Consider placing items you can't wash in a sealed plastic bag and leaving it in an out-of-the-way place, such as in your garage, for a couple of weeks. Mites die after a few days without food.
To diagnose scabies, examine skin, looking for signs of mites, including the characteristic burrows. When locating a mite burrow, he or she may take a scraping from that area of skin to examine under a microscope. The microscopic examination can determine the presence of mites or their eggs.
Ink test for mite: Take a dark washable wide-tip marker, and rub around the suspicious bumps or burrows. Then take an alcohol wipe or alcohol-soaked gauze and wipe away the ink. If there's a scabies burrow under the skin, the ink often remains, showing you a dark irregular line. Occasionally a tiny dark dot is visible at the end of the burrow - that's the mite.
Homeopathy offers several remedies for scabies, tailored to the individual's symptoms and constitution.Homeopathic treatments aim to address both the symptoms of scabies and the underlying susceptibility of the individual to skin infections.
It is one of the supreme remedies for recurrent maltreated, obstinate, suppressed cases of scabies. There is the presence of voluptuous tingling & itching in the bends of joints in between fingers, as soon as he gets warm in bed, also it is worse when undressing. Itching is accompanied by burning & soreness, especially after scratching. The skin appears rough & scaly with formation of little vesicles & pustules.
Adapted to persons of a scrofulous diathesis, subject to venous congestion; especially of portal system. Persons of nervous temperament, quick motioned, quick tempered, plethoric, skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes. For lean, stoop-shouldered persons who walk and sit stooping like old men. Standing is the worst position for sulphur patients; they cannot stand; every standing position is uncomfortable. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections. Aversion to being washed always after a bath.
Sepia is one of the most effective medicines for scabies cases where a person complains of itching vesicles not relieved by scratching. The skin turns pinkish from scratching. The condition gets worse in the open air while the person feels better in a warm room. Scabies which is present mostly at the bends of the elbows and knees and where scratching does not provide any relief is also treated well with Sepia, making it a popular prescription among Homoeopathic medicines for scabies.The eruptions is predisposed to crack and ulcerate as soon as it appears. There is the presence of an itching & burning sensation which is worse in the evening, open air. Better in a warm room. Scabies comes periodically every spring. It is also useful in those cases of scabies after previous use of sulphur. Adapted to persons of dark hair, rigid fibre, but mild and easy decomposition.
Kali Sulphuricum is considered one of the most suitable medicines for scabies cases where the symptoms include dry and harsh skin with extreme itching. Peeling and flaking of the skin are observed. Kali Sulphuricum is one of the best medicines for removal of scabs (desquamation of the skin) after skin infections. Scabies that worsens with heat is also treated well with Kali Sulphuricum, rating it among the best medicines for scabies.
Psorinum is another of the most prescribed medicines for scabies. It has shown the most remarkable results in the case of unhealthy skin with an abnormal tendency to skin diseases. In such cases, the person complains of intolerable itching which gets worse from lying in bed. In fact, so severe is the itching that the person scratches until the skin starts to bleed. Psorinum is the best treatment option among medicines for scabies with dirty, rough, scabby, greasy skin along with violent itching.
The eruption appears on the bends of knees. The eruptions could be dry as well as full of small pustules. There is the presence of burning and itching which is worse at night, application of cold water by local application of warmth. The scabies has a tendency to alternate with bronchial asthma. Great Prostration, with rapid sinking of the vital forces; fainting.
The disposition is:
The greater the suffering the greater the anguish, restlessness and fear of death. Mentally restless, but physically too weak to move. Indicated by its periodicity and time aggravation: after midnight, and from 1-2 a.m. And by its intense restlessness, mental and physical: its anxiety and prostration.
The eruptions are dry almost over the whole body, especially worse on extremities. There is the presence of itching which is worse after undressing at night. Scabies can occur after abuse of mercurial salts. Concomitant symptoms like dyspepsia, belching, passing flatus should help the physician to select drug. Once infection takes place, there is presence of acrid, bloody, foul discharge. The pus smells like asafoetida. There is presence of excessive burning in lesions which is worse by local application of heat as well as cold.
Cachectic persons whose vitality has become weakened or exhausted. Persons who have never fully recovered from the exhausting effects of some previous illness. Weakness of memory and slowness of thought.
It is an extremely important drug when scabies are suppressed by local application of mercury and sulphur. There is excessive itching of the whole body at night, also when secondarily infected there is presence of humid vesicles oozing corroding pus. The other concomitant symptoms are yellowish looking skin, warts, involuntary urination when coughing, sneezing or walking. The patient on the whole is extremely sensitive to cold air.
Adapted to persons with dark hair and rigid fibre; weakly, psoric, with excessively yellow, sallow complexion; subject to affections of respiratory and urinary tracts.
The eruptions that resemble scabies are present on folds of skin, hands and feet. The eruptions are pustular and crusty, oozing a foul, old cheese like discharge. The skin is extremely sensitive to cold air. The itching is worse at night and better by warm application. Presence of scabies in an individual where eruptions are suppressed by mercury.
For torpid lymphatic constitutions; persons with light hair and complexion, slow to act, muscles soft and flabby. The slightest injury causes suppuration. Diseases where the system has been injured by the abuse of Mercury. In diseases where suppuration seems inevitable, Hepar may open the abscess and hasten the cure. Oversensitive, physically and mentally; the slightest cause irritates him; quick, hasty speech and hasty drinking. Patient is peevish, angry at the least trifle; hypochondriacal; unreasonably anxious. Extremely sensitive to cold air, imagines he can feel the air if a door is opened in the next room; must be wrapped up to the face even in hot weather; cannot bear to be uncovered; takes cold from slightest exposure to fresh air.
Eruptions on the scalp, extremities, genitals and abdomen. The eruptions are yellowish brown, moist, and purulent. Itching and burning sensation is worse by warmth and better by cold application, especially itching while burning is better by local application of heat. GIT concomitants like weak digestion, craving for sweets, and flatulence should help one to prescribe the drug.
For persons intellectually keen, but physically weak; upper part of body emaciated, lower part semi-dropsical; predisposed to lung and hepatic affections; especially the extremes of life, children and old people. Deep-seated, progressive, chronic diseases. Pains: aching-pressure, drawing; chiefly right-sided, four to eight p.m. affects right side, or pain goes from right to left.
This nosode should be used in those cases of scabies where one has a repeated history of scabies in the past or scabies are suppressed with the help of conventional medicine resulting into internal affection e.g. asthma, migraine, heart trouble, etc. the eruptions are present on bends of elbow. The scabies appear in every winter and disappear in summer. There is the presence of violent itching, worse by warmth of bed or by scratching.
Especially adapted to the psoric constitution. In chronic cases when well selected remedies fail to relieve or permanently improve; when Sulphur seems indicated but fails to act. Lack of reaction after severe acute diseases. Appetite will not return.
Consulting a homoeopath is essential for personalised treatment. A homoeopath will consider your overall health, constitution, and specific symptoms to prescribe the most effective remedy. They may also provide guidance on lifestyle changes and preventive measures to support your treatment.
Allows patients to enjoy foods like onion, garlic, and coffee, ensuring a stress-free treatment journey.
Enables convenient access to doctors with detailed counseling, history management, and follow-ups.
Experienced BHMS and MD doctors, supported by multilingual and professional staff.
Simplifies treatment with modern, adaptable solutions and clear communication.
Homoeopathy is a holistic science which belives in the law of Similia Similibus Curenter i.e Like Cures Like .It was discovered by Dr Samuel Christian Hahnemannn in 1796.
As homoeopathic medicines are made from natural substances this medicines have no side effects and are completely safe to consume
There are no diet restrictions for homoeopathic medicines. One should only avoid eating or drinking any liquid other than water at least 30 minutes before and after taking homoeopathic medicines.
Homoeopathy offers a gentle and holistic approach to treating scabies, focusing on individualised care and natural remedies. By understanding the symptoms, causes, and preventive measures, and consulting with a qualified homoeopath, individuals can find effective relief from scabies and improve their overall well-being.
Disclaimer : The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any treatment for Scabies or any other medical condition.