It’s an immune system disorder of the butterfly – shaped gland in the throat (thyroid), that may cause hyperthyroidism & results in enlarged thyroid.
Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disorder affecting the thyroid gland, leading to hyperthyroidism and an enlarged thyroid (goitre). The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in the throat, becomes overactive, producing excessive thyroid hormones.
The exact cause is unclear, but it may involve genetic or environmental factors, it may occur by exposure to severe stressors & high levels of subsequent distress such as post – traumatic stress disorder .
Genetic – a genetic predisposing for grave’s disease is seen, with some people more prone to develop TSH receptor activating antibodies due to genetic cause.
Positive family history, triggering of disease due to stress, smoking, with other autoimmune disease like Rheumatoid arthritis, crohn’s disease, women (mainly during pregnancy) carry higher risk of developing grave’s disease as compared to men
Infectious trigger – In later life due to a viral or bacterial infection may trigger antibodies, and may cross react with TSH receptors called as antigenic mimicry.
It may lead to a lot of complications – the most dangerous is a thyroid storm.
Others may include Weak Bones, Heart Failure.
May present clinically with one or more characteristic signs:
Two signs are truly diagnostic of Grave’s Disease (not seen in other hyperthyroid conditions) Exophthalmos & non pitting EDEMA (pretibial myxedema)
Homoeopathic treatment for Grave’s disease focuses on optimising the immune system and managing symptoms through individualised remedies. The treatment is tailored to each patient's unique symptoms and overall health profile.
thin, dark complexion , enlarged glands, chronic inflammation , nutritive disturbances with pathological conditions , Anxiety, depressed, suicidal tendency.
swollen glands, heaviness in body, stitches & dryness in throat, sore throat with thyroid, clears throat constantly, Anxiety, fear, excitement increases cough.
Taking of excessive salt causes profound nutritive changes, anaemia, debility, mapped tongue Depressed, consolation aggravates, irritable, hasty, tears with laughter.
glandular swellings, produces catarrhal inflammations, Irritability, cruelty, extremely nervous.
To effectively manage Grave’s disease with homoeopathy, it is crucial to consult a Sanjivani qualified homoeopath. The Sanjivani homoeopathic treatment plan is highly individualised and considers the patient's physical and mental symptoms, overall health, and specific needs. The goal is to reduce the intensity and frequency of symptoms and address the root cause of the disorder.
Sanjivani Homoeopathic treatment for Grave’s disease offers a holistic approach by optimising the immune system and managing symptoms. The constitutional approach of Sanjivani homoeopathy considers both physical and mental symptoms, aiming to treat the disorder from its root cause. For effective treatment, it is essential to consult a Sanjivani homoeopathic physician who can provide personalised care and guidance.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any treatment for Grave’s disease or any other medical condition.