Lichen Planus


Lichen planus is a skin rash triggered by the immune system. It’s not known why the immune response occurs. There may be several contributing factors, and each case is different. Potential causes include :

  • Viral Infections
  • Allergens
  • Stress
  • Genetics

Sometimes lichen planus occurs along with autoimmune disorders. While it may be uncomfortable, in most cases lichen planus is not a serious condition. It’s also not contagious. However, there are some rare variations of the condition that may be serious and painful.

lichen planus

Understanding Lichen Planus

Lichen planus presents with various signs and symptoms, including purplish, flat bumps on the skin, blisters, lacy white patches in the mouth, painful sores, hair loss, and nail damage. These symptoms may vary depending on the affected areas, and the condition typically clears up within 6 to 16 months. Lichen planus can affect not only the skin but also mucous membranes, nails, and the scalp.

Causes of Lichen Planus

Lichen planus occurs when the immune system attacks cells of the skin or mucous membranes. It's not clear why this abnormal immune response happens. The condition isn't contagious.Lichen planus can be triggered by :

  • Hepatitis C infection
  • Flu vaccine
  • Certain pigments, chemicals and metals
  • Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen (Aleve, others)
  • Certain medications for heart disease, high blood pressure or arthritis.

Symptoms of Lichen Planus

The signs and symptoms of lichen planus vary depending on the areas affected. Typical signs and symptoms are :

  • Purplish, flat bumps, most often on the inner forearm, wrist or ankle, and sometimes the genitals
  • Blisters that break to form scabs or crusts
  • Lacy white patches in the mouth or on the lips or tongue
  • Painful sores in the mouth or vagina
  • Hair loss
  • Change in scalp colour
  • Nail damage or loss
  • purplish-coloured lesions or bumps with flat tops on your skin or genitals
  • lesions that develop and spread over the body over the course of several weeks or a few months
  • itching at the site of the rash
  • lacy-white lesions in the mouth, which may be painful or cause a burning sensation
  • blisters, which burst and become scabby
  • Thin white lines over the rash

The most common type of lichen planus affects the skin. Over the course of several weeks, lesions appear and spread. The condition usually clears up within 6 to 16 months. Less commonly, the lesions can occur in areas besides the skin or genitals. These may include:

  • Mucous Membranes
  • Nails
  • The scalp
lichen planus symptom
lichen planus symptom
lichen planus symptom

Lichen Planus Diagnosis

Doctor makes a diagnosis of lichen planus based on symptoms, medical history, a physical examination and, if necessary, the results of lab tests. These tests may include :

  1. Biopsy : Your doctor removes a small piece of affected tissue for examination under a microscope. The tissue is analysed to determine whether it has the cell patterns characteristic of lichen planus.
  2. Hepatitis C test : You may have your blood drawn to test for hepatitis C, which is a possible trigger for lichen planus.
  3. Allergy tests : Your doctor may refer you to an allergy specialist (allergist) or dermatologist to find out if you're allergic to something that can trigger lichen planus.
  4. Other tests : may be needed if your doctor suspects you have any of the several variations of lichen planus, such as the type that affects the oesophagus, genitals, ears or mouth.

Homeopathy and Lichen Planus

Homoeopathy offers a holistic approach to treating lichen planus by addressing the underlying immune dysfunction and alleviating associated symptoms. Various homoeopathic remedies are recommended based on individual symptoms and constitutional factors.

Homoeopathic Medication for Lichen Planus

  1. Aconite

    This drug is indicated in plethoric persons, in the first stage of inflammation before localisation and exudation has occurred, and is marked by redness, dryness, heat and severe pains. Skin- Red, hot, swollen, dry, burning, shining.

  2. Dulcamara

    Itching, burns after scratching > cold. Thick, brown, yellow crusts on the scalp. Complaints caused by exposure to cold damp, rainy weather or sudden change of weather.

  3. Kali Bich

    Discharge from mucous membranes which are adhesive, sticky, stringy, tough, lumpy or thick and yellow discharges.

  4. Juglans Cinerea

    Itching burning > scratching. Itching and pricking when heated.

  5. Graphites

    Good remedy for Lichen Planus with dry, rough, irritable skin. Suits people who are obese, chilly and have a tendency of constipation.

  6. Antimonium Crudum

    A leading remedy for Lichen Planus with eruptive papules, vesicles and pustules. Itching of eruptions at warmth of bed. Suits people who have great anxiety regarding their fate. Eruptions are better at rest, open air and moist warmth.

  7. Arsenic Album

    Superlative remedy for dry, rough, scaly, dirty, shrivelled skin in Lichen Planus. Ulcerative papules with burning, cutting pain and bloody discharge. Parchment like skin in extremely nervous, restless and anxious people. Aggravation of symptoms after midnight . Arsenicum album Greatly itching; In skin there is a small purplish spot. There are blisters after scratching.

  8. Borax

    When blisters mostly appear in the mouth. It is suited for Oral Lichen planus,with unhealthiness Of the skin.

  9. Sulphur
    • Skin is dry, scaly, and unhealthy; every little injury suppurates.
    • Skin ailments are associated with a lot of itching and burning that becomes worse on scratching and washing.
    • Itching more in the evening.
    • Skin excoriations especially in folds.
    • Skin becomes dry and hard.
    • Skin affections that develop after local medication.
    • This remedy is more suited to thin and weak individuals who are very sensitive to heat.
    • Mentally suited to people who are nearly always irritated and depressed. They are very forgetful. They are either too busy or they are lazy and do not feel like doing work. Some of them may have a feeling that they are immensely.
  10. Apis Mellifica

    There is burning and swelling in skin.Prickly heat; Lichen urticatus.

  11. Rumex

    Red rashes, itching coming on when undressing.

  12. Natrum mur

    Dry eruptions, especially on the margin of hairy scalp and bends of joints. Itching skin, raw, red, and inflamed; worse, eating salt, at seashore.

  13. Thuja

    Good for inveterate skin troubles and chronic stubborn skin conditions like lichen planus, psoriasis, eczema, warts, pyoderma, etc. Tendency to have unhealthy skin in general. These patients are better in dry weather and worse from humid climate and damp conditions.

  14. Arsenicum Iodum

    It is a very good remedy for skin conditions like lichen planus, eczema and psoriasis where there is marked itching and exfoliation of the skin. There is exfoliation of large scales which leaves behind raw exuding surfaces.

  15. Ignatia

    Itching, nettle-rash. Very sensitive to the draught of air. Excoriation, especially around vagina and mouth.

Benefits of Homoeopathic Treatment

  1. Individualised Care: Homoeopathy recognizes that each person's experience with migraines and headaches is unique. A homoeopath will assess the symptoms, triggers, medical history, and individual characteristics to prescribe a personalised treatment plan tailored to the individual's needs.
  2. Gentle and Natural: Homoeopathic remedies are derived from natural substances and are known for their safety and minimal side effects. They work in harmony with the body, promoting self-healing and overall well-being.
  3. Holistic Approach: Homoeopathy considers not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and mental aspects of an individual. It aims to restore balance at all levels, providing comprehensive care.
  4. Long-Term Results: By addressing the underlying causes of migraines and headaches, homoeopathy strives to achieve long-term relief, reduce the frequency and intensity of episodes, and improve overall well-being.

Patient Review

Consulting a Homeopath

Consulting a qualified Sanjivani homoeopath is crucial for the accurate diagnosis and personalised treatment of lichen planus. During the consultation, the Sanjivani homoeopath will evaluate the patient's symptoms, medical history, and any potential triggers.Sanjivani homoeopath will then prescribe suitable homoeopathic remedies tailored to the individual's specific symptoms and overall health condition.


Lichen planus is a skin condition characterised by inflammatory lesions triggered by immune system dysfunction. While it is not fully understood why this abnormal immune response occurs, various factors such as viral infections, allergens, and genetics may contribute to its development. Homoeopathy offers natural and holistic treatment options for lichen planus, focusing on addressing the underlying immune dysfunction and providing symptomatic relief. Consulting a Sanjivani qualified homoeopath ensures personalised and effective treatment for individuals suffering from lichen planus.

Disclaimer : The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any treatment for Lichen Planus or any other medical condition.

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