Genital Warts


Genital warts is the most common sexually transmitted disease that is caused due to human papilloma virus (HPV). It mainly affects the genitalia like penis, vulva, anus, cervix, scrotum. HPV is transmitted through sexual contact like vaginal, anal or oral sex with infected partner, from mother to child during child birth Certain strains of HPV are associated with increased risk of cervical, anal and other cancers

Genital warts

Understanding Genital Warts

genital warts stem from the HPV virus, which spreads through sexual activity. Factors that increase the risk of developing genital warts include having multiple sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sex, early sexual activity, weak immunity, and a history of sexually transmitted infections. Symptoms of genital warts include small, soft, skin-coloured growths resembling cauliflower, itching or discomfort, bleeding after sexual contact, moisture or discharge, and rough skin around the warts. Notably, genital warts may not always be visible, especially in internal genital areas.

Causes of Genital Warts

Genital warts are caused due to highly contagious HPV virus which is transmitted through sexual contact although it can also transmitted through skin to skin contact even if no warts are present

Risks of developing genital warts are –

  1. Having multiple sexual partners
  2. People who get sexually active at a young age are at risk of having HPV infection
  3. If a person has previous history of sexually transmitted infection then it may increase the risk of HPV
Genital warts

4. Having unprotected sex, not using condoms

Genital warts

5. People with weak immunity are more prone to HPV infection

Symptoms of Genital Warts

Genital warts

1. This warts typically appears like small, soft, skin coloured growths on genitals, sometimes they may look like cauliflower like growth

Genital warts

2. There may be itching or discomfort mostly noticeable during sexual contact

  1. There may be bleeding from warts especially after sexual contact
  2. There may be moisture or discharge from affected area
  3. The skin around wart may become rough if the warts are present for a long period of time

Genital warts are not always visible to the naked eyes especially if they are situated inside vagina, cervix or anus Also some people infected with HPV will not develop warts, but they can still transmit the infection

Prevention of Genital Warts

Genital warts

1. Washing hands regularly with soap and water which will help to prevent HPV infection

Genital warts

2. Avoid direct contact with warts

Genital warts

3. Avoid sharing personal items like razors , towels , socks with infected person

Genital warts

4. Avoid walking barefoot , always wear foot wear in public places

Genital warts

5. Use protection e.g condoms while having sexual contact

Genital warts

6. Increase your immunity by taking a balanced diet, do regular exercise, take adequate sleep

Homoeopathy and Genital Warts

Sanjivani Homoeopathy Clinic offers individualised treatment for genital warts using homoeopathic remedies tailored to each patient's symptoms and overall health.. Homoeopathy offers a holistic approach to healing, addressing the root cause of the condition while boosting the body's immunity.

Homoeopathic Medicines for Genital Warts

  1. Nitric Acid
    • This remedy on the outlets of the body where the skin and mucous membrane meets e.g – anus, penis, vagina
    • It is also useful remedy in cases of syphilis due to mercury abuse
    • Warts are large and jagged
    • Warts bleed easily
    • There is sphincter like pains in the warts
  2. Thuja
    • It is an excellent remedy for condylomata, warts, spongy tumours
    • It mainly acts on skin and genito urinary system, producing fig warts and condyloma
    • It is also useful in cases of gonorrhoea as it has antibacterial actions
    • Warts on vulva and perineum
  3. Causticum
    • It is given when the warts are large, jagged and bleed easily
    • There is burning pain and soreness in the warts
  4. Antim Crud
    • It is given when the warts are moist , flat
    • Itching in warts from heat of bed
    • It is useful if warts are accompanied with digestive issues
  5. Sepia
    • It is useful when warts are small and flat
    • Condylomata around the head of penis
    • Pain in vagina during coition
  6. Medorrhinum
    • It is deep acting medicines often given in cases of suppressed gonorrhoea
    • There are sycotic warts on genitals
    • Useful when the discharges offensive

Benefits of Homoeopathic Treatment

  1. Individualised Care: Homoeopathy recognizes that each person is unique. A homoeopath will assess your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle to prescribe a personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs.
  2. Gentle and Natural: Homoeopathic remedies are derived from natural substances and are known for their minimal side effects. They work in harmony with the body, promoting self-healing and overall well-being.
  3. Holistic Approach: Homoeopathy takes into account not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and mental aspects of an individual. It aims to restore balance at all levels, providing comprehensive care.
  4. Long-Term Relief: By addressing the underlying causes of genital warts homoeopathy strives to achieve long-term relief and improved quality of life.

Consulting a Homeopath

Individuals seeking treatment for genital warts can benefit from consulting a qualified homoeopath at Sanjivani Homoeopathy Clinic. Through thorough case analysis and consideration of the patient's physical, mental, and emotional state, the homoeopath prescribes the most appropriate remedy. Treatment may also include dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and supportive measures to enhance overall well-being.


Genital warts can significantly impact an individual's physical and emotional health. Homoeopathy provides a safe, natural, and effective approach to treating genital warts by addressing the underlying cause of the condition and promoting the body's innate healing mechanisms. At Sanjivani Homoeopathic Clinic, personalised treatment plans aim to alleviate symptoms, prevent recurrence, and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals affected by genital warts.

Disclaimer : The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any treatment for Genital Warts or any other medical condition.

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