What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy, a medical practice founded by German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, MD, in 1796, is utilized across Europe, the US, Australia, much of Asia, as well as the Middle and Far East, and India.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes it as the most widely practiced alternative medicine worldwide. Homeopathy is particularly effective for chronic and recurring ailments, although it can also address acute conditions. However, it is not ideal for critical health issues. It is strongly recommended for chronic and persistent diseases, including autoimmune disorders, skin conditions, allergies, various forms of arthritis, asthma, metabolic disorders, psychosomatic issues, psychiatric disorders, hormonal imbalances, cancers, and more.
In contrast, it is not advised for severe infections, critical heart or brain conditions, or traumatic injuries. Interestingly, homeopathic remedies are crafted through a sophisticated process that employs attenuated and 'potentized' substances in nanoparticle form, which have proven effective in treating diseases at a more profound level, avoiding harsh chemicals.
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