Rheumatoid Arthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints. In RA, the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue, particularly the synovium, which is the lining of the membranes that surround joints. This leads to inflammation in the joints, causing pain, swelling, stiffness, and eventual damage to cartilage and bone.

Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis

RA is characterised by chronic inflammation in the joints, resulting in pain and swelling. The immune system's erroneous attack on the synovium causes this inflammation, which can lead to joint damage and deformity over time. RA can vary significantly in severity and symptoms from person to person, often affecting daily activities and overall quality of life.

>Rheumatoid arthritis

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Symptoms of RA can vary from person to person and may include

  • Joint pain
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness (particularly in the morning or after periods of inactivity)
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Joint deformities over time.
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Risk Factors

While the exact cause of RA is unknown, certain factors may increase the risk of developing the condition, including

  • Genetics
  • Environmental factors (such as smoking)
  • Hormonal factors (as RA is more common in women).

Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Diagnosis of RA involves a combination of

  • Medical history
  • Physical examination
  • Blood tests (such as rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies)
  • Imaging tests (such as X-rays and MRI) to assess joint damage.

Complications of Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Joint Damage and Deformity
  • Chronic Pain
  • Disability
  • Secondary Osteoarthritis
  • Emotional and Psychological Impact

Lifestyle Management for Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Regular physical exercise
  • Protect your joints
  • Manage stress
  • Adopt Joint-Friendly Eating Habits
  • Get quality sleep
  • Stay hydrated
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homeopathy and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homoeopathy offers a holistic approach to managing rheumatoid arthritis (RA), aiming to reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms by targeting the overactive immune system. This approach focuses on individualised treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific symptoms and overall health profile

Homoeopathic Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

  1. Rhus tox
    • Hot, painful swelling of joints.
    • Pains tearing in tendons, ligaments, and fascić.
    • Rheumatic pains spread over a large surface at nape of neck, loins, and extremities; better motion.
    • Soreness of condyles of bones.
    • Limbs stiff paralyzed.
    • The cold fresh air is not tolerated; it makes the skin painful.
    • Pain along ulnar nerve.
    • Tearing down thighs.
    • Worse, during sleep, cold, wet rainy weather and after rain; at night, during rest, drenching, when lying on back or right side.
    • Better, warm, dry weather, motion; walking, change of position, rubbing, warm applications, from stretching out limbs.
  2. Bryonia
    • Knees stiff and painful.
    • Hot swelling of feet.
    • Joints red, swollen, hot, with stitches and tearing; worse on least movement.
    • Every spot is painful on pressure.
    • Constant motion of left arm and leg.
    • Worse, warmth, any motion, morning, eating, hot weather, exertion, touch. Cannot sit up; gets faint and sick.
    • Better, lying on painful side, pressure, rest, cold things.
  3. Ledum Pal
    • The Ledum rheumatism begins in feet, and travels upward.
    • Gouty pains shoot all through the foot and limb, and in joints, but especially small joints.
    • Swollen, hot, pale.
    • Throbbing in right shoulder.
    • Pressure in shoulder, worse motion.
    • Cracking in joints; worse, warmth of bed.
    • Gouty nodosities.
    • Ball of great to swollen.
    • Rheumatism begins in lower limbs and ascends.
    • Ankles swollen.
    • Soles painful, can hardly step on them.
    • Easy spraining of ankle.
    • Better, from cold, putting feet in cold water.
    • Worse, at night, and from heat of bed.
  4. Actaea Spicata
    • Is a rheumatic remedy, especially of the small joints; tearing, tingling pains characterise it.
    • Wrist-rheumatism.
    • Tearing pains in loins.
    • Rheumatic pains in small joints, wrist, fingers, ankles, toes.
    • Swelling of joints from slight fatigue.
    • Wrist swollen, red, worse any motion.
    • Paralytic weakness in the hands.
    • Lame feeling in arms.
    • Pain in knee.
    • Sudden lassitude after talking or eating.
  5. Rhododendron
    • Rheumatic and gouty symptoms well marked.
    • Rheumatism in the hot season.
    • Joints swollen.
    • Gouty inflammation of great toe-joint.
    • Rheumatic tearing in all limbs, especially right side; worse, at rest and in stormy weather.
    • Stiffness of neck.
    • Pain in shoulders, arms, wrists; worse when at rest.
    • Pains in bones in spots, and reappear by change of weather.
    • Cannot sleep unless legs are crossed.
    • Worse, before a storm. All symptoms reappear in rough weather, night, towards morning.
    • Better, after the storm breaks, warmth, and eating.

Benefits of Homoeopathic Treatment

  1. Individualised Care: Homoeopathy recognizes that each person is unique. A homoeopath will assess your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle to prescribe a personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs.
  2. Gentle and Natural: Homoeopathic remedies are derived from natural substances and are known for their minimal side effects. They work in harmony with the body, promoting self-healing and overall well-being.
  3. Holistic Approach: Homoeopathy takes into account not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and mental aspects of an individual. It aims to restore balance at all levels, providing comprehensive care.
  4. Long-Term Relief: By addressing the underlying causes of Ulcerative Colitis,homoeopathy strives to achieve long-term relief and improved quality of life.

Patient Review

Consulting a Homeopath

To effectively manage Rheumatoid Arthritis with homoeopathy, consulting a qualified Sanjivani homoeopath is essential. The homoeopath will conduct a detailed evaluation, considering the patient's specific symptoms, medical history, and overall health. This thorough assessment allows the Sanjivani homoeopath to select the most appropriate remedies, potentially leading to significant improvement in symptoms and quality of life.


Homoeopathy offers a personalised and holistic approach to managing rheumatoid arthritis, focusing on reducing inflammation and alleviating symptoms. With a wide range of remedies tailored to individual symptom patterns, Sanjivani homoeopathy aims to improve joint health and overall well-being, making it a valuable option for those seeking alternative treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Disclaimer : The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis or any other medical condition.

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