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Interstitial cystitis

Understanding Interstitial Cystitis & Homeopathic Remedies | Sanjivani Homeopathy Diet and Yoga Clinic


Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a complex condition that is identified by chronic inflammation of the bladder muscle layers, which produces the following symptoms:

  • pelvic and abdominal pain and pressure
  • frequent urination
  • urgency (feeling like you need to urinate, even right after urinating)
  • incontinence (accidental leakage of urine)
  • Discomfort can range from a mild burning sensation to severe pain. The degree of discomfort can be persistent or infrequent. 


  • Bladder pressure and pain that gets worse as your bladder fills up.
  • Pain in your lower tummy, lower back, pelvis, or urethra (the tube that carries pee from your bladder out of your body)
  • For women, pain in the vulva, vagina, or the area behind the vagina
  • For men, pain in the scrotum, testicles, penis, or the area behind the scrotum
  • The need to pee often (more than the normal 7-8 times daily)
  • The feeling you need to pee right now, even right after you go 
  • Chronic or intermittent pain in the pelvis
  • Pelvic pressure or discomfort
  • Urinary urgency (feeling that you need to urinate)
  • Frequent urination day and night
  • Pain during sexual intercourse - For women, pain during sex AND For men, pain during orgasm or after sex.
  • Pain or discomfort while the bladder fills and relief after urinating.
  • Women may experience increase in symptoms during menstruation


Exact cause is unknown , but there are several ideas :

  • A problem with bladder tissue lets things in your pee irritate your bladder.
  • Inflammation causes your body to release chemicals that cause symptoms.
  • Something in your urine damages your bladder.
  • A nerve problem makes your bladder feel pain from things that usually don’t hurt.
  • Your immune system attacks the bladder.
  • Another condition that causes inflammation is also targeting the bladder.

That several factors may damage the lining of the bladder and therefore trigger the disorder.These include :

  • Trauma to the bladder lining (for example, from surgical procedures)
  • Excessive stretching of the bladder, usually due to long periods without a bathroom break
  • Weakened or dysfunctional pelvic floor muscles
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Repeated bacterial infections
  • Hypersensitivity or inflammation of pelvic nerves
  • Spinal cord trauma


The following may be helpful in diagnosing interstitial cystitis :

  1. Urinalysis and urine culture
  2. Bladder stretching.

    Your bladder is filled with liquid or gas to stretch it out. You’ll be asleep under anesthesia. Sometimes this is also used as a treatment. This is done with a cystoscopy.

  3. Prostate fluid culture (in men).

    Your doctor will need to press on your prostate and milk a sample to test. This is not commonly done.

  4. Medical history and bladder diary.

    Your doctor will ask you to describe your symptoms and may ask you to keep a bladder diary, recording the volume of fluids you drink and the volume of urine you pass.

  5. Pelvic exam.

    During a pelvic exam, your doctor examines your external genitals, vagina and cervix and feels your abdomen to assess your internal pelvic organs. Your doctor may also examine your anus and rectum.

  6. Urine test.

    A sample of your urine is analyzed for signs of a urinary tract infection.

  7. Post void residual urine volume

    Using an ultrasound, this test measures the amount of pee that remains in your bladder after you go to the bathroom.

  8. Cystoscopy.

    A thin tube with a camera is used to see the inside of the bladder and urethra. This is usually done only if there is blood in your pee or if treatment doesn’t help. Inserts a thin tube with a tiny camera (cystoscope) through the urethra, showing the lining of your bladder. may also inject liquid into your bladder to measure your bladder capacity. may perform this procedure, known as hydrodistention, after you've been numbed with an anesthetic medication to make you more comfortable.

  9. Biopsy.

    During cystoscopy under anesthesia, your doctor may remove a sample of tissue (biopsy) from the bladder and the urethra for examination under a microscope. This is to check for bladder cancer and other rare causes of bladder pain.

  10. Urine cytology.

    Your doctor collects a urine sample and examines the cells to help rule out cancer.

  11. Potassium sensitivity test.

    Your doctor places (instills) two solutions — water and potassium chloride — into your bladder, one at a time. You're asked to rate on a scale of 0 to 5 the pain and urgency you feel after each solution is instilled. If you feel noticeably more pain or urgency with the potassium solution than with the water, your doctor may diagnose interstitial cystitis. People with normal bladders can't tell the difference between the two solutions.


Because of its chronic nature, frequently delayed diagnosis, and the lack of a cure, Interstitial Cystitis causes psychological and social problems that can affect family, work, and lifestyle :

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Difficulty traveling
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to enjoy usual activities
  • Insomnia
  • Panic disorder
  • Weight fluctuation and eating disorders


  1. Staphysagria –when Constant urge is The main Symptom in Interstitial Cystitis.

    Staphysagria to be an excellent homoeopathic medicine to treat cystitis and other urinary tract infections. Staph covers the urinary problems wonderfully. The patients who require staph exhibit symptoms of tearing pain in the urethra with involuntary discharge of urine. The urine is so acrid that is causes burning around the genitals that corrodes the skin and makes it difficult for the patient to move. There is a lot of burning while passing the urine. Despite the pain and burning, the person experiences a constant urge to pass urine. The urine is passed in profuse quantities and is pale in color. Staphysagria is suitable in case of newly married women who come with the complaint of UTI, called honeymoon pyelitis.

  2. Cantharis – Homeopathic Medicine when Burning is the key symptom in Interstitial Cystitis

     Cantharis is a well-known homoeopathic remedy for its marvelous effects on inflammations and infections. In cases of burns, it brings immediate relief. It is ideal for cases with symptoms of inflammation of the bladder with pain and a lot of burning in the genitals. The urine is passed drop by drop due to the excessive burning while passing urine. There is retention of urine but the person feels the need to pass urine frequently. The reason for this is the incomplete clearance of the bladder. There is an intolerable urge to urinate that makes the person go into paroxysms. It can be used in cases of Interstitial cystitis where the root cause is chronic inflamed bladder . Intolerable urging for urination, intolerable pain in bladder region cutting before during and after urination. urine passes drop by drop constant desire to urinate.

  3. Apis Melllifica – Homeopathic remedy for Interstitial Cystitis When There is Difficulty In Passing Urine

     Apis Mellifica is an excellent remedy used in homoeopathy in cases of chronic inflammation of bladder also known as Interstitial Cystitis. Apis helps to cure the inflamed part and reduce the swelling. Found that Apis is best prescribed in case of cystitis symptoms of hot urine passed drop by drop owing to the burning that corrodes the skin and makes it difficult to urinate. The urine in these cases is of a strong color and odor. The incomplete urination gives rise to a constant urge to urinate. In cases of urine troubles with swelling in the genitals, Apis can be used to give excellent results. In young boys, it can be used in cases where kidney inflammations have caused cystitis. The boy is scared to pass urine due to the burning pain it causes. Apis also wonderfully treats the cases of retention of urine in infants. A well-known remedy for renal problems. There is incontinence of urine, and when passed there is a severe burning sensation, especially the last drops. Edema of the body with puffy face and bags underneath the eye. Thirstless is another key to prescribe Apis.

  4. Equisetum hyemale: Homoeopathic remedy for Constant desire to urinate, without amelioration.

     A small remedy but very useful in interstitial cystitis. There is a severe, dull aching pain in the bladder region not ameliorated by urinating. They suffer from frequent and intolerable urge to urinate with severe pain at the close of urination. Constant desire to urinate, a large quantity of clear, watery urine without amelioration.

  5. Sarsaparilla: Homoeopathic remedy for Severe or unbearable pain at the end of urination and Urine scanty, slimy, flaky, bloody .

    It is indicated in dark-haired persons with lithic diathesis. Urine bright and clear but irritating, often and copious; painful distention and tenderness of bladder; urine dribbles while sitting. Severe or unbearable pain at conclusion of urination. Ineffectual urging, urging with constipation. Renal colic, severe pain at conclusion of urination, dribbling of urine while sitting. Bladder distended and tender screams before urination, tenesmus of bladder feeble stream . urine is scanty , slimy , flaky and bloody occurs sometimes .

  6. Uranium Nitricum: Homoeopathic remedy for Copious urination

    Another important remedy for BPS (Bladder pain syndrome). Copious urination both day and night. Incontinence of urination, unable to retain urine without pain. Urine pale, milky with a fishy odor.

  7. Lycopodium : Homoeopathic remedy for presence of Heavy red sediments in urine.

    Pain in back after urinating, ceases after flow .has to strain for urination, retention, increased frequency at night ,heavy red sediments in urine

  8. Kali carb : Homoeopathic remedy for Involuntary urination while coughing sneezing.

    Obliged to rise from bed at night frequently for urination, pressure on bladder long before urine comes, involuntary urination while coughing sneezing.