Chikungunya and Homoeopathy
- By Sanjivani Homeopathy
- 19 Sep 2024
Chikungunya is a virus, which is generally transmitted by female Aedes aegypti a mosquito.
- A mosquito that bites an infected person can transmit the virus to an uninfected person when it bites him.
- The Chikungunya virus was first observed in 1952 in the Africa region and seen in tropical regions across South Asia, Africa, and Southeast Asia.
The symptoms of chikungunya mostly start to appear within three to seven days of a mosquito bite. Some other possible symptoms include:
- Fever which can reach 39°C, (102.2 °F)
- Headache
- Nausea
- Conjunctivitis
- Vomiting
- Arthritis
- A petechial or maculopapular rash (red area on the skin that is covered with small confluent bumps) usually involving the limbs and trunk
Prevention and Control
There is no vaccine available against this viral infection. It is important to take every precaution to avoid mosquito bites.
To avoid mosquito bites:
- Use clothes that cover limbs and body sufficiently.
- Use mosquito repellents in plenty.
- Use mosquito nets when sleeping, even during the day.
Diagnosis of Chikungunya
- Blood test for detection of the causative organism.
- ELISA test is available to detect anti chikungunya immunoglobin IgM, and IgG antibodies
- An IgM capture ELISA is necessary to distinguish the disease from dengue fever.
Role of Homoeopathy in Chikungunya
Homeopathy is one of the most effective therapies for the treatment of many acute and chronic conditions like Chikungunya. Homeopathic medicines for treating Chikungunya Fever are select based upon the unique individual symptoms which include presence or absence of thirst, the desire to cover or uncover oneself in fever, restlessness, or the need to lie down.
Some homeopathic medicines which help in chikungunya are-
- Rhus Tox - Rhus Tox is an amazing Natural Homeopathic remedy to control joint pains in chikungunya fever. These joints mostly show marked hardness along with pain. joint pains get aggravated on resting.
- Arnica - It is an ideal herbal remedy for dealing with chikungunya cases when petechial appear under the skin with pains and other symptoms. Along with skin showing blue or blackish petechial spots, a person also feels that joint pain.
- Bryonia alba - Bryonia is a top natural Homeopathic remedy for Chikungunya Fever. This Homeopathic medicine can treat extreme joint pains with Chikungunya Fever. joints of a patient are generally painful and swollen. The person who needs to use Bryonia generally gets relief from joint pains while resting.
- Eupatorium Perfoliatum - Eupatorium Perfoliatum is an ideal Homeopathic remedy for Chikungunya Fever. this Homeopathic medicine helps in treating high fever with severe bone pains.
- China – This homeopathic medicine is indicated when pain in the limbs is severe and joints feel sprained. The patient feels pain at the slightest touch. A patient complains about night sweats.
- Ledum Pal - It is a specific homeopathic medicine for the stings of insects and relates closely to migrating arthralgia, chills, headache, etc which are manifesting symptoms of chikungunya.