Yes, with help of your sign and symptoms ,and detailed physical and mental history, we can reduce fibroid size by taking regular homoeopathic medicines hence ultimately can be avoided surgery.
Yes, with help of your sign and symptoms ,and detailed physical and mental history, we can reduce fibroid size by taking regular homoeopathic medicines hence ultimately can be avoided surgery.
Fibroids may cause heavy bleeding,, anemia when left untreated. Although most fibroids are noncancerous & benign , An untreated uterine fibroid may also cause infertility in some women or most of womens are asymptomatic .
The exact cause is unknown , but there may be due to hormonnal imbalance.
Fibroids can actually shrink or grow over time. They can change size suddenly or steadily over a long period of time but we can not say surely that it can be reduced naturally , so must take a proper consultation and sside effects free anjivani treatment .
risk factors mainly includes - family history , age related - in old age as compare to youger ones , high blood pressure, alcoholism, vitamin d deficiency, hormonal diseases.