Frequently Asked Questions - Urinary Tract Infection (U.T.I.)

  • Who is commonly affected by UTi?

    Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men , as the urethra and anus are situated very close in female. Size of urethra in female is 5 cm and in male is 18-20cm, so infection can travell easily in females due to small length of urethra.

  • How UTI can be prevented?

    stay well hydrated , urinate after sexual activity , minimize spray/ powders in genital area .

  • What are the risk factors for UTI?

    Risk factors mainly includes - previous UTI , pregnancy ,poor hygiene , having diabetes , dehydration .

  • Can UTI be dangerous?

    It may become dangerous if ascending bacteria reach the kidney and subsequently induce an inflammatory reaction within the renal parenchyma.

  • Can homoeopathy permanently cure UTI?

    yes, there is effective treatment in homeopathy for long lasting permanent cure, without any side effect as medicines will help to increase immunity of the person naturally so that it can fight against infection and prevent further complication

  • Can interstitial cystitis treated permanently in homeopathy ?

    yes, there is effective treatment in homeopathy for long lasting permanent cure,It helps to increase immunity of the person naturally so that it cures Naturally .

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