Yes , In future you can stop for hypothyroidism suppliments ; homoeopathy medicines stimulte thyroid gland to secret thyroid harmones naturally which are required for metabolism.
Yes , In future you can stop for hypothyroidism suppliments ; homoeopathy medicines stimulte thyroid gland to secret thyroid harmones naturally which are required for metabolism.
Yes, We can start homeopathic treatment to cure it permanently, we have to monitor thyroid hormones levels frequently till it gets normal. if subsequelt reports are in normal range then we ask to stop our treatment. Period of homeopathic treatment varies from person to person and hormonal conditions.
In hypothyroidism the risk of complication is greater than others , as decrease fertility ,if they conceive risk of abortion , gestational hypertention ,anemia , post partum hemorrhage .
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli , cauliflower should be avoided as they reduce the iodine absorption by thyroid gland
Yes , in some cases hypothyroidism tends to runs in families .