Frequently Asked Questions - Homoeopathy in Psoriasis: Understanding Remedies, Treatment Strategies, and Future Direction

  • Is psoriasis and eczema the same?

    No. psoriasis is a autoimmune disorder which happens when our own immune system attacks healthy cells of our skin producing red well defines patches with silver scaling , Eczema is an inflammatory condition of skin which produces rashes with oozing of watery discharge , itching , dryness

  • Is psoriasis contagious?

    No psoriasis is a non contagious disease it does not spread from one person to another

  • I have psoriasis. Will I inherit this condition to my child?

    Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder . If one of your parent has psoriasis then there is 15% chance that child may suffer , and if both parents have psoriasis then there is 75% chance that child may suffer

  • Can homoeopathy permanently cure psoriasis?

    Yes Homoeopathy can permanently cure psoriasis by normalizing the abnormal immune response of ones body towards healthy cells and will also help to relieve complaints

  • what are the complications of psoriasis?

    It can cause psoriatic arthritis , conjunctivitis , blepharitis, diabetes , blood pressure , other autoimmune diseases like celiac disease , chrons disease , low self esteem

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