yes, you can get permanent cure by taking homeopathy as it helps to stimulate immunity to normalize immune response against the allergen.
yes, you can get permanent cure by taking homeopathy as it helps to stimulate immunity to normalize immune response against the allergen.
frequent urtcareal rashes , abcesses in skin or lungs , dry itchy skin , frequent pneumonia , yeast infections , frequent sneezing , reurrent cold, cough ,
urticaria due to medications , urticaria due to food , urticaria due to infection or environmental agent , dermatographic urticaria , pressure urticaria , solar urticaria , cold urticaria ,stress urticaria .
urticaria due to medications , urticaria due to food , urticaria due to infection or environmental agent , dermatographic urticaria , pressure urticaria , solar urticaria , cold urticaria ,stress urticaria .
No urticaria is notn contagious disease,it is Allergic condition.