Frequently Asked Questions - Efficacy of Homoeopathic Treatments in Managing Asthma

  • My child have complains of asthma,should he have to take homoeopathic treatment life long ?

    No , homoeopathic medicines will help to improve immunity of the child thereby giving a permanent cure to the child , so NO need to take it for life long once immunity of the child is corrected !

  • I have asthma from many years ,I am using bronchodilator pumps regularly,can homoeopathic medicines stop my pump?

    yes, Sanjivani homoeopathic medicines will helps to decrease intensity and frequency of asthma , so doses of broncho dilater pumps can also be tapper and once it is permanently cured then bronchodilators can be permanently stopped .

  • Is there permenent cure of arllergic asthma in homoeopathic treatment ?

    yes in homoeoapthy we can cure allergic asthma permanently

  • why is my asthma is worse in night time?

    during sleep the muscles relax and thus airways get narrow which may cause increased airflow resistance hence symptoms of asthma getting worse at night

  • Is pets like dog, cats are good for people with asthma?

    The hairs of pets may trigger asthmatic attack so keeping them away can help to reduce the attacks

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