Myths and facts of homeopathy!

Myths and facts of homeopathy!

Myths and facts of homeopathy!

In 16th & 17th centuries the principal Similia Similibus curantur (like cures like) Dr.Christion Friedrich Samvel Hahnemann ( 1755 – 1843) took the principle to create the law of similar let like be cured by like.

How does Homeopathy work?

Homeopathic treatment is based on a holistic approach. This works by stimulating the body's own natural

healing capacity is known as a vital force.

  • Homeopathic medicine triggers the body's own healing forces so medicine mainly individualise the person ie. Constitution of persons.
  • Homeopathy will have to notice physical, mental & emotional symptoms together.
  • Form complete picture of a person a homeopath can select the best match medicine to the person.
  • A substance that causes certain symptoms can also help to remove those symptoms.
  • Potentisation is the process of minimizing, rather than negating the toxic effects of the crude drug substance and increasing its dynamic, curative property.
  • Due to this, we ensure that side effects are totally eliminated which makes medicine very safe and harmless.

Myths and facts of homeopathy.

Myth –Homeopathy is slow to act.

Fact – not really, homeopathic medicines act rapidly and the effects last longer as it removes disease from its root cause, the time for relief depends on the chronicity of the disease.

Myth –Homeopathy is a placebo.

Fact –many studies have so far shown that homeopathic medicines have been observed in millions of cases with the wonderful results; the miraculous effects.

Myth –There are lots of food restrictions while taking homeopathic medicine.

Fact – homeopathic medicines are dissolved in the mouth hence patients are asked not to eat or drink anything 15 minutes before or after taking the dose; so that it may not counteract the action of medicine.

Myth –Homeopathic cannot be taken along with other medicine

Fact –homeopathic medicine can be taken along with other medications without any fear of side effects and complications.

Myth –Homeopathy is only good for children.

Fact – homeopathy is only good for children but is equally effective in adults too. But as children love to take the sweet pills due to its sweet taste if we give the medicine to children from the very beginning it would give rise to a healthy generation as homeopathic medicine remove the disease from its root but also increase the resistance power of the body

Precautions to be taken while taking homeopathic treatment.

  • One should not touch homeopathic medicine while taking them, as taking the medicine on the palm may reduce its medicinal value.
  • Medicine should be taken 30 minutes before a meal and after a meal as directed by the physician.
  • Once you start the homeopathic medicine, you should not stop the medicine on your own unless physicians advise as chronic diseases may take more time, as the diseases may take more time, as the disease is removed from its root.
  • If you are a high BP or diabetes patient and are taking certain modern medicine it is not advisable to stop them abruptly as you may encounter the problems, once you start responding positively to homeopathic medicine, your physician will advise you to taper the dose.
  • The dosage of the medicine should be followed as directed by the physician.
  • Mother tincture and liquid doses should be added in half glass of water or as directed by a physician. there is no need to keep the medicine in the refrigerator.
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