What You Need to Know About Urinary Disorders and Homeopathic Remedies | Sanjivani Homeopathy Diet and Yoga Clinic


The urinary tract consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. kidneys filter your blood, creating urine, which travels through the ureters to the bladder, where it is stored. When the appropriate time comes, the muscles of your bladder contract and urine exits your body through your urethra.


Some of the more common problems of the urinary system include:

•  Bladder infections - (cystitis) usually caused by bacteria.

•  Urine Incontinence - when urine leaks out of the urethra.

•  Kidney infections - when a bladder infection ‘backs up’ the ureters.

•  Kidney stones - caused by infection and high blood levels of calcium.



cystitis is a condition that causes discomfort or pain in the bladder and a need to urinate frequently and urgently. It is more common in women than men. Some people may have pain without urgency or frequency and others have urgency and frequency without pain. womens symptoms often get worse during their menstrual periods.



urinary incontinence means loss of bladder control, varying from a slight loss of urine after sneezing, coughing or laughing, to complete inability to control urination.Urinary incontinence can have causes that aren't due to underlying disease. Examples include intoxication, unavailability of bathrooms, coughing, sneezing, extreme anxiety or intense laughter.



A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system like kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract ,bladder and the urethra.Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than are men. Urinary tract infections don't always cause signs and symptoms, but when they do they may include:

strong, persistent urge to urinate , burning sensation when urinating , Passing frequent, small amounts of urine , Urine that appears cloudy and appears red, bright pink or cola-colored with Strong-smelling urine


The kidneys produce urine to eliminate waste. Kidney stones can form when mineral and acid salts in the urine crystallize and stick together. If the stone is small, it can pass easily through the urinary system and out of the body. A larger stone can get stuck in the urinary tract, however. A stuck kidney stone causes pain and can block the flow of urine. Types of kidney stones are Calcium stones , Struvite stones , Uric acid stones , Cystine stones. The most common symptom of kidney stone is severe pain, usually in the side of the abdomen, that's often associated with nausea.


Common causes of urinary disorders include:     

  • Benign Prostatic hyperplasia  (enlargement of the prostate)
  • Cancers or benign tumors
  • Dehydration  ( less water intake )
  • Infections of the urinary tract
  • Kidney or urinary tract stones
  • Post-vasectomy syndrome, Sexually transmitted diseases 
  • Trauma or injury
  • honeymoon pyelitis.

Risk factors for urinary disorders include:

  • Birth defects
  • Catheterization (placement of a tube to drain the bladder)
  • Chemical or irritant exposures
  • Cigarette smoking 
  • Diabetes
  • Low fluid intake
  • Personal history or family history of some types of urinary tract disorders
  • Pregnancy  and delivery
  • Sexual contact with someone who engages in high-risk sexual behavior or who has had a sexually transmitted disease
  • Systemic diseases, such as high blood pressure or diabetes 
  • Surgery involving the upper or lower urinary tract
  • Trauma
  • Unsafe sexual practices
  • Use of deodorant tampons or douches
  • Use of spermicides or lubricants with irritants


  • The urge for urination should not be suppressed.
  • Drinking water helps dilute your urine and ensures that you'll urinate more frequently, allowing bacteria to be flushed from your urinary tract before an infection can begin.
  • Empty your bladder soon after intercourse.
  • Don't use feminine deodorants. These sprays can irritate your genital area and increase your risk of UTI.
  • Wear cotton underwear. Cotton fabric allows moisture escape while other fabrics can trap moisture, which creates a potential breeding ground for bacteria. Also, avoid tight-fitting clothing.
  • Avoid vaginal dryness 
  • Avoid intake of hot, oily, spicy, sour, salty, and bitter foods.
  • Increase intake of liquids in the form of water, juices, coconut water, and other cooling drinks



There are a number of well proved Homoeopathic remedies which has a tremendous action on genitourinary tract. Homoeopathy can provide a quick recovery when urinary tract infection is associated with the symptoms like fever, pain, offensive smelling urine, discomfort etc. It is one of the safe systems which can provide relief to a patient who is suffering from long lasting recurrent urinary tract infection.

Best homoeopathic remedies are-

1) Cantharis

Strong urging to urinate with cutting pains that are felt before the urine passes, as well as during and after urination indicate need for this remedy. Only several drops pass at a time, with a scalding sensation. The person may feel as if the bladder has not been emptied, still feeling a constant urge to urinate.

2) Apis Mellifica

Apis is recommended when you have symptoms such as experiencing a burning feeling after urination and less urine. You may have swelling  around the eyes and also may not experience much thirst. The condition tends to worsen in hot weather conditions.

3) Staphysagria

This remedy is used when urine tract infection develop as a result of any sexual activity. You may experience a constant urge to urinate and feel pressure in the bladder.  Prostatic  enlargements which cause infections in the urinary tract can also be treated using this remedy.

4) Petroselinum Sativum

In the case of urinary tract infection with a persistent urge to urinate, Petroselinum Sativum is the most used homoeopathic medicine. The urge to pass urine is sudden. Burning and tingling pain in urethra is experienced while passing urine. Marked itching in urethra may accompany.

5) Benzoic acid

In case your urine has a strong odor, benzoic acid may be the recommended remedy. It is also used to treat pain in the urethra which flares up when you are not urinating.

6) Sarsaparilla 

This remedy is recommended when you experience pain in the lower abdomen and the back. Your urine may also contain blood and sediments.

Urinary Tract Infection is likely to occur more frequently in females due to a favourable microbe's environment. It can easily be prevented and cured by proper treatment with homeopathic medicine for urine infection.

It is essential to consult a doctor for an individualized treatment plan, as UTI differs from person to person.


Visit  Dr.Ghongdes sanjivani homoeopathic yoga and diet clinic . we plan tretment for urinary diseases after considering causes , trigger factor, and risk factor of patient.

our doctors’ provide self care tips and nutritional guidance to prevent  recurrence of the disease.

Thank you!!