
Children with ADHD often face significant challenges in their daily lives, particularly in social interactions and academic settings. When parents are unaware of this condition, they might misinterpret their child's behavior as simple misbehavior, not realizing it stems from ADHD symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

If your child is experiencing these difficulties, it's essential to read this blog, which provides comprehensive information about ADHD. This blog will explain ADHD in detail, including its symptoms, homeopathy treatment options, and more. Understanding ADHD can be beneficial not only for your child but also for anyone you know who might be dealing with this condition.

So, let’s start by exploring what ADHD is:

What is ADHD in Children?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a medical condition that affects a child's ability to control their impulses and manage daily routines. It is commonly diagnosed in children and can significantly impact their daily life and academic performance.

Signs of ADHD 

Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are signs of ADHD, and parents must understand exactly what it is.

1. Inattention

1. Make careless mistakes: These children frequently ignore details, which results in mistakes in academics or other tasks.

2. Not follow the instructions: They fail to focus and complete the tasks given to them.

3. Avoid tasks: They don't engage in things that involve lengthy mental work, such as reading a book or solving a puzzle.

4. Often lose stuff: They frequently forget or misplace the stuff that is necessary for tasks or activities.

5. Seem not to listen: Children with ADHD might seem to be inattentive even when they are being spoken to directly.

6. Be easily distracted: They are quickly distracted from what they are doing by external stimuli.


2. Hyperactivity

1. Talk excessively: Children with hyperactivity may talk continuously, unable to quit even when others speak or the situation requires quiet.

2. Fidget and squirm: They may have challenges sitting still and are often seen fidgeting with their hands or feet.

3. Have difficulty playing quietly: They can find it difficult to engage in quiet play or leisure activities because they are often loud or restless.

4. Be constantly on the go: They may always feel the need to be moving or doing something.


3. Impulsivity

1. Blurting out answers: Children with ADHD might answer questions before they’re fully asked, not waiting for their turn.

2. Difficulty waiting for their turn: Patience can be tough for them, causing frustration in games or activities that require waiting.

3. Interrupting others: Conversations or games can be interrupted, with children jumping in without realizing they’re cutting others off.


Tips for Parents to Manage ADHD 

1. Encourage Positive Behavior: When your child is full of energy, jumping around, or touching everything, it's common to respond with commands like "Don't jump!" or "Sit quietly!" However, instead of constantly telling them what not to do, try to understand that these behaviors stem from their natural curiosity. As a parent, focus on keeping them safe while allowing them to explore and engage in positive activities.

2. Focus on Diet: Diet plays a significant role in managing ADHD. Incorporate saffron into your child's diet, either by adding it to milk or mixing it into their food. Saffron helps increase the secretion of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which are chemicals that make your child feel happy and content.

3. Incorporate Probiotics: Another essential dietary component is probiotics, found in foods like yogurt and buttermilk. These foods help produce serotonin and dopamine in the digestive system, which contribute to the proper development of your child's brain. Since these are "happy hormones," they improve your child's well-being. Additionally, try to avoid junk food and sugary snacks, as they can negatively impact your child's behavior.

4. Channel Their Energy Positively: Children with ADHD often have a lot of energy. It’s crucial to channel this energy into positive activities. Engage them in outdoor sports like cricket, football, swimming, or cycling. Physical activities not only exhaust their energy but also provide a constructive outlet for it. Who knows? Your child might even excel in a sport and achieve great success!

5. Limit Screen Time: In today’s busy world, it’s tempting to hand over a mobile phone or turn on the TV to keep your child occupied. However, excessive screen time can be harmful, especially for children with ADHD. Instead of relying on screens, spend quality time with your child. The more you engage with them directly, the better their chances of managing and recovering from ADHD symptoms.


Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathy provides a natural and holistic approach to managing ADHD in children. Homeopathic treatments are personalized to each individual, taking into account their unique symptoms, temperament, and overall health. These treatments seek to address the underlying causes of ADHD rather than simply concealing the symptoms.

At Sanjivani Homeopathy Clinic, our USP is that we address it from the root with no homeopathy restrictions, no side effects, and offer the convenience of online consultations.


ADHD is a complex disorder that can have a substantial influence on a child's life; yet, with the proper care and management measures, children with ADHD can live successful and fulfilling lives. Understanding the symptoms of ADHD and finding early interventions is essential for parents.

While traditional treatments like behavioral therapy and medicine are widely used, homeopathy provides a gentle and holistic approach that targets the underlying causes of the problem. By combining a structured environment, positive reinforcement, and appropriate homeopathy treatment, parents may assist their children in overcoming ADHD challenges and reaching their full potential.